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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 8 (December 1, 1929)

Overheard at Stratford-on-Avon Station

Overheard at Stratford-on-Avon Station.

American: “I want a ticket to London.”
Booking Clerk: “Will you go to Euston or—”
American: “I guess I'll use the route that Shakespeare used when he left his home town for London.”
Booking Clerk (rising to the occasion): “As you like it.“—(From the Railway Gasette.)

page break
Railway Engineering Achievements in New Zealand. The construction of the Waikare viaduct on the North Island East Coast Railway, shewing a steel girder suspended in mid-air. The viaduct will be over 612ft. long and 256ft. above water level.

Railway Engineering Achievements in New Zealand.
The construction of the Waikare viaduct on the North Island East Coast Railway, shewing a steel girder suspended in mid-air. The viaduct will be over 612ft. long and 256ft. above water level.