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The New Zealand Railways Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 8 (December 1, 1929)

Waterfall and Tui

Waterfall and Tui.

Not only is there music in the sound of many a Maori place-name, but there is a melodious story in the name-origin. Not far from the Waikato railway line where it crosses the Whangamarino Swamp south of Mercer railway station, there is a small waterfall on the Whangamarino stream which the Lower Waikato natives say bears the name: “Te Ako-o-te-tui-a-Tamaoho” (“The Teaching of Tamaoho's Tui Bird”). The story is that it was here the ancestor named took his young pet tui to teach it to talk. The Maori belief was that the bird could best learn to talk within sound of a little waterfall where no other sound but the steady music of the cascade could penetrate to interfere with the teacher's voice.