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The History of the Jews in New Zealand


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Ab Beth DinPresiding judge of an ecclesiastical court.
AliyahTo be called to the Reading of the Law.
AliyothCallings to the Reading of the Law.
AlmemahThe raised dais in the synagogue.
Ashkenazi(m)Eastern European Jew(s), or those who pray according to their rites. German(s).
Bameh Madlikin"With what does one light?" An extract from the Talmud recited in some synagogues at the Friday evening services.
Bate DinEcclesiastical courts.
BarmitzvahLiterally "a son of the commandment". A lad who becomes thirteen years of age; the ceremony associated with it.
Ba'al KorehThe Reader of the Law.
Beth DinAn ecclesiastical court.
Beth ElThe House of God.
BimahThe raised dais in the synagogue.
BrithA covenant. A circumcision.
Chevra KadishahBurial Society.
Choveve ZionLovers of Zion.
Eben SappirSapphire stone.
Eretz IsraelThe Land of Israel.
EthrogA citron.
Gabbai d'Beth AlminTreasurer or supervisor of the cemetery.
Gere ZedekRighteous proselytes. Those who convert to Judaism because of belief.
GetA Jewish divorce.
HabonimThe builders. A society of that name.
HagesherThe Bridge.
HakaA native Maori dance.
Hathan Bereshith"The Bridegroom of the Beginning". The person called to read the first portion of Genesis on the Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law.
Hathan Torah"The Bridegroom of the Law". The person called to read the last portion of the Pentateuch on the Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law.
HaphtorahThe selection from the prophets read in the synagogues on Sabbaths and Festivals.
HazzanCantor. Reader.
Hevra KadishahBurial Society.
KaddishA mourner's prayer.
KasheredMade fit to be consumed or used according to Jewish dietary laws.
KashruthAppertaining to Jewish dietary laws.page 240
KehilahCongregation. Community.
Knesseth IsraelThe Assembly of Israel.
Ketubah. KetubothCompulsory Jewish marriage maintenance agreement(s).
KiddushSanctification prayer recited over wine on Friday and Festival nights and on Sabbath and Festival mornings.
KosherThat which is fit to be consumed according to Jewish dietary laws.
Kol NidreThe Day of Atonement evening service.
LulavA branch of the palm tree.
MatzahUnleavened bread.
MegilahA scroll. The scroll or the Book of Esther.
Metahar HouseMortuary Chapel. The place where a dead body is cleansed.
Mezuzah. MezuzothThe prayer(s) affixed to the right door posts of Jewish homes.
Minyan(im)A quorum of ten men over thirteen years of age, necessary if a service is to be considered a public service. A group (s) who conduct services in a room.
Minhag PolenThe Polish custom. The Polish rite.
MikvahA ritual bath.
MizrahiOf the east. A society of that name.
MorenuOur Teacher.
Neveh ZedekA righteous habitation. A name usually given to an orphanage.
PaA fortified Maori village.
PadraosPortuguese coins.
PakehaWhite man.
PurimThe Feast of Lots. The Feast of Esther.
Rangatira no UropiA gentleman from Europe.
Rosh HashanahThe Jewish New Year.
SandekThe person who holds the child during the circumcision ceremony.
SederOrder. The service at home on the first and second nights of the Passover.
SedraThe portion of the Law read in the synagogues on Sabbaths.
Sefer BarmitzvahThe Barmitzvah Book of the Jewish National Fund.
Sefer HamdinahThe State Book of the Jewish National Fund.
Sefer HayeledThe Children's Book of the Jewish National Fund.
Sefer TorahThe Scroll of the Law.
Sephardi(m)Spanish and Portuguese Jews and those who follow their ritual.
SganVice. A person who stands next to the Reader of the Law and elects who should be called to the Torah.
ShehitahThe act of ritual slaughtering.
ShemaHear. A prayer recited in the evening and morning which commences with that word.
ShivahThe seven days of mourning for a close relative.
ShmudConversion to Christianity.
ShofarA ram's horn.
Shohet(im)Ritual slaughterer(s).
Shool ganavSynagogue thief.page 241
Sifre TorahScrolls of the Law.
Simhas TorahThe Festival of the Rejoicing of the Law.
SuccahA booth used during the Tabernacle Festival.
SuccothThe Tabernacle Festival.
TalithA praying shawl.
TorahThe Law. The Scroll of the Law.
TrefahUnfit for consumption according to the Jewish dietary laws.
Tu B'ShvatThe 15th of the Hebrew month of Shvat. Arbour Day. The New Year for Trees.
UtuCompensation, revenge (Maori).
WhareA Maori dwelling.
YahrzeitThe anniversary of a death.
Yeshivah. YeshivothTalmudical college(s).
Yekum PurkonMay salvation be granted. A prayer recited on Sabbath mornings.
Yom KippurThe Day of Atonement.
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