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The Travels of Hildebrand Bowman, Esquire, into Carnovirria, Taupiniera, Olfactaria, and Auditante, in New-Zealand; in the Island of Bonhommica, and in the Powerful Kingdom of Luxo-Volupto, on the Great Southern Continent

The Contents

page ix

The Contents.

Chap. I. The Author's birth, and education. His entering into the Navy. Admitted on board the Adventure as a Midshipman. Voyage to the South-Seas. Visits New-Zealand, Outaheite, and other Islands. The, Adventure separated from the Resolution. Returns to New-Zealand, where the large Cutter and her Crew are cut off by the Cannibals. The Author escapes, and after wandering long in search of the Ship, sees her under sail, and out of his reach. Gets a-cross a Strait in a Canoe, into the Country of the Taupinierans. Page 1 page x
Chap. II. The Miserable Condition of the Author in Taupiniera. An account of that extraordinary People. Page 40
Chap. III. Arrives in Olfactaria. Is adopted by that Nation. Marries. Irruption of the Carnovirrians. Conclusion of that War, The Author elected a Chief of the Third. Second, and First Orders. His ammunition exhausted, and he in fear of being degraded, from his want of practice with their weapons, as well as of a nose. Gets the command of a large Canoe going to Auditante, to exchange their Skins. Arrives at Seripante. 78 page xi
Chap. IV. Seripante a Factory of Bonhommican Merchants. The Author and his Collegues live at their houses. Very fair Traders. Visit the Tents of the Natives. He learns in a short time the Bonhommican and Auditantine languages. Makes a speech to the Olfactarian Chiefs at taking leave of them. By invitation lives sometime at a Horde of the Auditantines. Falls in love. Lucky discovery which cures him of it. The Fleet from Ludorow arrives. The Fair held in consequence of it. The Author embarks in it, on its return. Arrives at Ludorow. Page 117
Chap. V. The Author invited to reside with a near relation of his friend at Seripante. By the means of him, and others to whom he page xiihad letters, he is presented to the Lord Admiral, to the Lord Treasurer, and at last to the Queen. She settles a pension on him. He confers with Officers, Astronomers, Surveyors, Physicians, and Mechanics, on. the means of introducing the English improvements into the Bonhommican Navy. He is appointed a Post Captain, and is to command a ship of forty guns (going to the southern continent), under a Commodore. Has the fitting her out in the English manner. She is much admired. The Queen dines on board of her. They sail for Luxo-volupto. Arrive safely at Mirovolante. Page 165
Chap. VI. A Description of the Island of Bonhommica and its Inhabitants. Their. Moral page xiiiSense. Manners. Customs. Laws. Government. Religion, ct'c. ct'c. Page 210
Chap. VII. The Commanders of the ships of War invited to lie at the Merchants houses of the Bonhommican Factory at Mirovolante. Of the pretended superiority of the Luxo-voluptans in the sense of Taste. Commonness of Wheel Carriages in Mirovolante. A wonderful Stigma on failures in Chastity of both sexes. Sees Garrimond, a famous Actor, in one of Avonswan's Plays. The Commanders introduced at Court. The Author sought after by the Nobility as coming from a far country. Balls. Routs. Concerts. A Masquerade. Moraveres taken ill. Practice of Physic. State of Luxo-volupto, and neighbouring Kingdoms. The Bonhom-page xivmican sailors mobbed on a rejoicing night for the election of a Patriot. Page 253
Chap. VIII. Law. A Criminal Trial. Some account of the Country. Miro-volante. Army. Fleet. Manufactures. Court. Dress. Language. Learning. Hospitals. Summer Amusements. Summer Theatre. Rondelleva. Fairy Hall. Horse Rate. 320
Chap. IX. Every thing prepared for sailing. Take leave at Court; and of our Friends. Sail with a fair wind. Speak with some Armoserian Privateers. A Storm. Meet with a Dutch Frigate. The Captain of her gives the Author a passage to Batavia. Tender parting witb Mo-page xvraveres. His friendly behaviour to the Author; and humanity to the Dutch Crew. The Scurvy abates on board the Harlem Frigate, from the use of Malt and other things Moraveres spared them. Arrives at Batavia. Sent for by the Governor and Council, to interrogate him concerning the Island of Bonhommica. Ships fitted out for that discovery. The Author falls sick, but recovers. Sails to the Cape in a Dutch Indiaman. Gets a passage home in an English one. Arrives in Old England. Page 372