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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Taranaki, Hawke's Bay & Wellington Provincial Districts]



Nuhaka is situated ninety-six miles north-east from Napier, in the county of Wairoa, within the electoral district of Waiapu. There is a telephone office in the township, which has a weekly mail service with Napier and Gisborne. The means of conveyance from Napier is by steamer to Wairoa, and thence by road to Nuhaka. Waikokopu, five and a-half miles distant, is the deep water port of the township, and it is anticipated that in a few years' time a substantial wharf will be erected and freezing works established in the district. There is a sufficient depth of water at Waikokopu to float vessels of the largest tonnage. The local post office is also situated at Waikokopu. The most important industry in Nuhaka is that of dairy factory in the settlement. The famous Morere Hot Springs are situated only five miles distant from Nuhaka.

Nuhaka Dairy Factory (A. F. Neilson, manager), Nuhaka. Established in 1901. The building is of wood, and contains a butter room, a separator room, boiler and engine rooms, two cooling chambers, an office, and a salt room. The plant includes de Laval separators and pastuerisers, a Linde British freezer, a Brown and May's engine and boiler, two direct expansion vats, a Topliss' butter worker and churn, a steam turbine tester, a Chambers' milk hoist, Holben and Kirk's receiving cans and vats, Lister's skim milk pump, and de Laval coolers. The building is floored throughout with concrete, on the gravitation principle, and a Tangy's steam water pump is also in use, summer months about 1,700 gallons of milk per day is received, and in the early winter up to 700 gallons per day. The factory closes down from May until August. The industry is controlled by a Company. Mr. R. Ewan Jefferson is chairman of directors.

Dairy Factory, Nuhaka.

Dairy Factory, Nuhaka.

Bath House at the Hot Springs.

Bath House at the Hot Springs.

Mr. Alexander F. Neilson, manager of the Nuhaka Dairy Factory, was born in Greytown, Wairarapa, in the year 1880, and after attending school was engaged in farming with his father for four years. After a year spent in the Cardiff Dairy Factory, near Stratford, Taranaki, and a season with the Eltham-Co-operative Company, he was appointed page 434 manager of a creamery at Okaiawa, Taranaki, and was afterwards promoted to be chief butter maker in the Okaiawa Dairy Factory. Mr. Neilson took up his present duties on the 1st of August, 1906. He has taken a great and active interest in football and other pastimes.
Coach Crossing Nuhaka River, Wairoa-Gisborne Road.

Coach Crossing Nuhaka River, Wairoa-Gisborne Road.

Wai Station, Nuhaka, Hawke's Bay, is a freehold property owned by Mr. George Walker, and leased to Mr. R. E. Jefferson. It contains 6,700 acres, about 2,000 acres of which is flat land, and the rest undulating, suitable for sheep and cattle. The winter stock comprises 12,000 Lincoln cross-breds, which in the summer season, including lambs, is increased to 17,000. Sheep-shearing machinery is used, and the wool-shed is stocked with an up-to-date plant. Dairying is also carried on, about 500 cows being stocked in the summer months, and 700 in winter. Wai station supplies the local dairy factory daily with the product of 250 cows. Various small creeks and the Nuhaka river run through the property, which is one of the most desirable in the district.

Mr. Robert Ewan Jefferson. of Wai station, Nuhaka, is the son of Mr. Robert Jefferson, of Cumberland, England (a breeder of shorthorn cattle), and was born in Preston House, Whitehaven, England, in the year 1874. He was educated at the Downton Agricultural College, Hampshire, where he gained a diploma for practical knowledge in agriculture. Mr. Jefferson came out to New Zealand in 1893, and for nine months afterwards was engaged on Mr. H. Troutbeck's Galatea station, forty-five miles from Rotorua. He was subsequently appointed manager of Mr. G. E. G. Richardson's estate, at Nuhaka, and took up his present lease in April, 1905. Mr. Jefferson is president of the Wairoa Agricultural, and Pastoral Association, was a member of the Wairoa County Council, is chairman of directors of the Nuhaka Dairy Factory, and is a director of the Hawke's Bay Farmers' Co-operative Association. He married a daughter of Mr. Alfred Howes Eastwood, Auckland, in February, 1901, and has one daughter.

MR. R. E. Jefferson.

MR. R. E. Jefferson.

Walker, George, Sheep-farmer, Nuhaka. Mr. Walker was born at Whangawehi, and was educated at the Napier High School. He subsequently studied for a surveyor, and passed his examination in 1884. He followed his profession for ten years at Napier,
Mr. G. Walker.

Mr. G. Walker.

The Late Mr. G. Walker.

The Late Mr. G. Walker.

page 435 and by the death of his father, in 1897, he inherited the Wai estate. As a footballer, Mr. Walker represented Hawke's Bay during several seasons. He married a daughter of Mr. E. Homlin, of Napier, and has one son and one daughter.