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The Cyclopedia of New Zealand [Nelson, Marlborough & Westland Provincial Districts]

Captain The Honourable Arthur Maurice Robert Bingham

Captain The Honourable Arthur Maurice Robert Bingham, Aide-de-Camp to His Excellency Lord Plunket, is the eldest son of the fifth Baron Clanmorris, of Creg Clare, County Galway, Ireland, and of Bangor Castle, Belfast, Ireland. He was born on the 22nd of June, 1879, educated at Eton College, and gazetted to the 5th Royal Irish Lancers, in October, 1899. During the Boer war he served in South Africa from 1899 to 1902, and obtained the Queen's medal with five clasps and the King's medal with two clasps. He was appointed to His Excellency's staff in July, 1904, and was promoted to the rank of captain in May, 1905. Captain Bingham is a member of the Cavalry Club, London.