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Gallipoli Diary

Friday 21/5/15

Friday 21/5/15

Another perfect day as regards weather.
Several prisoners came in yesterday and
there was a lot of white flag wagging
by the enemy in front of Australian trenches
but I have not heard what came of it
except that Turks were on one occasion
[unclear: given] 2 minutes to get back to their trenches
after coming out on some pretext.

page 66

A humorous incident occurred the
other day in our lines. A man of ours stood
up to observe over the trench parapet
when a shot whistled by his head. He
cooly waved a miss with his rifle (as
we would in a rifle range butts,)
to the Turk, before he ducked for shelter.

We are now informed that the German
General Liman von Sanders personally
conducted the attack on this position
last Wednesday & that 15000 to 20000
fresh troops were brought with him
from Constantinople for the purpose.
We are pleased to have scored so
completely over this Teuton leader.

The heavy loss we inflicted are
doubtless responsible for several “white”
& “red crescent” flag incidents since when
we allowed the enemy to come out to
collect wounded & bury their dead.

Since our departure from Cape Hellas
& consequent removal from the 29th Division
the G.O.C. Maj. Gen. A.G. Hunter-Weston CB
D.S.O. has sent the following message.

“That he was very pleased with the
soldierly behaviour & staunchness in
action of the N.Z troops and that they
have shown themselves thoroughly fit page 67 take their place in line with their
British comrades of the regular army.”

Following is text of another message
received. If praises from high officials
count for anything then our men must
really have made a very favourable
impression. From Rear Admiral Thurston of
H.M.S. QUEEN. 18/5/15. “It is with the
greatest regret that I find I have to leave
you before we are able to bring our combined
operations to a successful conclusion On
behalf of myself, my officers & men I wish to
thank you & the Army corps under your
command for the loyal & ungrudging
manner in which you have worked with
us, thus making our task easy. We are
all full of admiration for the gallantry &
daring of your troops. The dashing way
in which you took your present position
will become historical & we all hope your
further progress will not be long delayed.
We shall all follow your progress with
the greatest interest & wish you the final
victory you so thoroughly deserve.
Please convey to all ranks the honour
we feel in having been allowed to co-operate
with the Australian & N.Z. Army Corps & the
regret with which we leave them.” page 68 General Godley & Capt Herbert (of
Irish Guards) visited our “bivvy” this