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Well Fair Laddie. Extravaganza 1961

Virgin on Rebellion

Virgin on Rebellion

They're as innocent as butterflies
From a chrysalis emergin'
Every one's a fully authorised
Bona fide Vestal Virgin.

Yes, we are the girls
You've all read about
We won't be taken in
We won't be taken out
We know lots of men
Would, lead us astray
And that's why we try
Whenever we are able
To suppress all feminine allure
We are maidens innocent and pure.

We don't paint our nails
We don't dye our hair
We don't dress to kill
We never smoke or swear
We think that a guy
Is some kind of rope
And our kind of male
Comes in an envelope
And so the whole of Rome is very sure
We are maidens innocent and pure.

But if virtue is its own reward
And to lose it is so fearful
Why are we so absolutely bored
When the wicked seem so cheerful?

One day very soon
We're going to rebel
And tear with delight
Along the road to hell
We'll run round without
The old battle-axe
And what's more without
A stitch upon our backs
And then there'll be a half a dozen fewer
Of us maidens innocent and pure.