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Victoria College Students' Carnival. Concert Chamber, Town Hall. Thursday and Friday, June 30th and July 1st, 1910

Tableau II

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Tableau II.

"Painted emblems of a race
All accurst in days of yore,
Each from Ms accustomed, place
Steps into the world once more."


Rome, Boys, Rome.

"The heart which grief hath cankered.
Hath one unfailing remedythe tankard."

D. Smith's "Toasts."

Air: "Home, Boys, Home."

Out on the ramparts the standards are unfurled,
Far from the city whose pulses move the world;
We sing her heroes' praise—their spirit ever thrills;
We long for a glimpse of her seven hills—
We long for a glimpse of the home—the homeland hills.

Chorus :
Rome, boys, Rome, it's at Rome we ought to be,
Rome, boys, Rome, where the wine flows free.
Up with the glass and down with every foe,
And down with the wine when the tankards flow.

Sing we of Horatius, the Captain of the Gate,
Sing, too, of Maximus, who taught us how to wait;
Of Julius triumphant, the spoils he carried home,
And sing of maidens fair we left in Rome.
And sing of maidens fair we left—we left in Rome.

Praetor's Song.

In enterprise of martial kind
When there was any fighting,
He led his regiment from behind,
He found it less exciting."


Air: Recit. and Song (Ludwig) with Chorus in "Grand Duke."

Behold, my friends, a Praetor much admired;
My armour's rather rusty, but it's hired.
Pray don't mistake, I'm not a wandering showman,
But kindly recollect I am a Roman.

We've been growing strong and famous
Since the days when playful Remus,
For his puerile behaviour, was irrevocably slain;
We're a race of burly fighters,
Though of course there are some blighters
Who regard this soldier business as peculiarly insane.
Aye, the men about the Tiber Are of tough and hardy fibre,
They're at home behind the rampart or when storming down a ridge.
You have heard about Horatius, If you've not, why then, good gracious,
He's at present doing six months hard for keeping someone's bridge.

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There are Caesar and Valerius,
And Rordonius Tiberius,
And the ever genial Cato, who while feeling rather bored,
Or while suffering from lumbago,
Cried "Delenda est Carthago,"
And his namesake Uticensis who descended on his sword.
And we also sail per mare,
On our galleys rowed by slaves;
O our tars are rich and tarry,
And Romannia rules the waves.
Tho' the Roman quinqueremis,
Doesn't seem the thing that steam is, Bis. second time with chorus.
Her surpassing breadth of beam is
Such a comfort on the waves.

I've no doubt you'd like to learn all
Of our State's affairs internal,
if we wield the rod of office as we wield our trusty swords;
So I'll start with poor old Gracchus,
Who, no devotee of Bacchus,
Introduced a Roman budget and was murdered by the lords.
Then our methods of election
Have not yet attained perfection,
For our memories and our purses must be uniformly long;
We must know papa or may be
Kiss ten thousand miles of baby,
See a joke or tell a story, sing the latest comic song.
As for higher education,
It's a blot on all the nation
That our youth for erudition fly to Athens, run to Greece.
Where the baby from its bottle
Takes to reading Aristotle,
And the sole uneducated are the soldiers and police.
Now the Senate is a body
Most deserving of applause;
Roman punch and whisky toddy
Smoothly alternate with laws;
Oft reformers Herculean
Start reforming by the aeon,
But a flight from Rock Tarpeian
Points the virtue of our laws. Bis. second time with chorus.

As to family relations
In this Queen of all the nations,
O, we aren't at all effusive with our "darlings" and our "pets";
But the Lares and Penates,
Are the most important parties,
And the Patria Potestas won't encourage suffragettes.
The stern papa familias
Who deems his son a silly ass
And not at all the kind of chap his father's son should be,
Or a pampered molly-coddle,
Taps him firmly on the noddle,
And the Tiber bears his corpus to the blue Tyrrhenian Sea.

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But the son whose tastes are classic
In Falernian and Massic,
And who spots a likely winner, pater couldn't do without;
An hereditas damnosa
Sets that gilded youth a poser,
How to keep the family chattels a canale (from the spout).
Now my song's been long and flowy,
And as airy as the foam,
But I havn't mentioned Chloe
And the little girls of Rome.
Yet I love to think of Pyrrha
As she sits before her mirror
Tinkling sweetly on her lyra,
And I'm going back to Rome. Bis. second time with chorus.

Roman Marching Chorus

"And the only things we left that day
Were the things we couldn't take away."

A. Macdougall's "The Roads I Never Took."

Air : "The Blue Bonnets."

March! March! Southward and home again,
Where round the border the foe darky gathers.
March! March! March we to Rome again,
March to the aid of the land of our fathers.

Sons of the southern land,
Leave we the foreign strand,
Gird on the sword and bind tighter the sandal.
Long is the homeward road, need we no spur to goad.
Death to the Northmen! yea, death to the Vandal!

Sword blades are flashing,
Shield on shield crashing.
Quit ye like men nor doubt ye the ending.
Shall hostile lances gleam, foes rule by Tiber's stream ?
Romans, strike home, for the Empire's defending!

Chorus :
"Oh, History is a fickle dame
She oft repeats, but never is the same."

Lyon's "Stageland."

Music Specially Written by Mr. J. Maughan Barnett.

Now the Druid's finished calling, and the Roman Empire falling
(Hear the legion's distant marching tramp),
For the Empire City's leaders they are dissipated pleaders,
And men have left the training of the camp.
Now the youth is "muddied oaf" and men have studied sloth.
And the mercenary panders to the plebs.
And extinction is not slow for a race that's turning "pro,"
And the glory flickers faintly as it ebbs.

And this is a sign that men may know
And be ready the call of the bended bow.

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When the Senate's Orthodoxy is assured by "voting-proxy,'
And control is rested in the "tout,"
When the helmsman takes direction by a cautious introspection
And weaklings are the playthings of the Stout.
When there is no Jeremiah to tend the sacred fire,
Nor a Laby, nor a Hunter, nor a Von,
And reform and high renown wait upon Macmillan Brown,
Then the State towards extinction must have gone.

Refrain :
And these are the signs that men may know.
And he ready to swoop with the bended bow.