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Victoria College Students' Carnival. Concert Chamber, Town Hall. Thursday and Friday, June 30th and July 1st, 1910

Sorrows of Worker

Sorrows of Worker.

Tune: "Hassan." ("Rose of Persia.")

When I was young (some time ago),
I first came up to College,
With good intent and a book or two
To pursue the search for knowledge.
But somehow now since I'm up the hill,
No more for books I hanker,
A man may work at home if he will,
But he won't at Salamanca.
It's a curious fact that he sometimes will,
But he won't at Salamanca.

I made a speech after Oram's style,
With a phrase or two pathetic,
I trained a bit and I ran a mile,
And they said I was athletic.
And somehow now I am training still,
Tho' for peace and rest I hanker,
A man may work at home if he will,
But he must at Salamanca,
It's a curious fact that if once he will,
He must work at Salamanca.

I may sit all day in the library
And toil with the toiling Skinner,
And yet be as far from the Pass Degree
As the laziest beginner.
But I'm president, secretary, treasurer still,
Tho' for such I never hanker,
Oh, a man may study at home if he will,
But he can't at Salamanca.
It's a curious fact that he sometimes will
But he won't at Salamanca.

"Excuse me."