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Medicine Amongst the Maoris, in Ancient and Modern Times


page iv


Part I.
The people. Page 1.
Public health and sanitation, village sites, sanitation, ventilation, clothing, food. pp.2 - 6.
Religion, gods, spiritual concepts. pp.6 - 13.
The tohunga or priest. pp.14 - 16.
Disease, conception of disease, vitality of the race, diseases. pp.17 - 20.
Etiology of disease, tapu, makutu or witchcraft pp.20 - 42.
Symptoms of disease. pp.43 - 45.
Diagnosis, natural phenomena, daily incidents, dreams, waitapu, mental. pp.46 - 51.
Prognosis, takiri, divination. pp.52 - 53.
Treatment, prophylaxis, mauri, tua and tohi rites, against witchcraft. pp.54 - 57.
  against ill-omens, takutaku rite, ngau-paepae, makutu, doubtful cases. pp.58 - 63.
General remarks on treatment. pp.64 - 66.
Ancient drugs, heat, counter-irritation &c. pp.67 - 70.
Some of the diseases amongst the ancient Maori, skin diseases, diseases of the eye, toothache, tuberculosis, leprosy. pp.71 - 76.
The influence of mind. pp.77 - 79.
Appendix. Kehua and taniwha. pp.80 -
Part II.
The effect of the introduction of civilisation. Epidemics, &c pp.81 - 83.
Change of mode of living, clothing, food, alcohol. pp.83 - 85.
Venereal diseases, morality. pp.85 - 87.page v
Part III.
The present condition of the Race.
Population. p.88.
Present environment, infant foods, clothing. pp.89 - 90.
Physique of the race, height, weight. pp.91 - 94.
Incidence of disease pp.95 - 101.
Retarding influences, the past, mate Maori, fear of makutu, doctors, hospitals and operations &c pp.102 - 108.
The present-day tohunga. pp.109 - 111.
What is being done. pp.112 - 113.
The future. p.114.
Bibliography. p.115.