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An Introduction to Polynesian Anthropology

Literature on the Polynesian Outliers

Literature on the Polynesian Outliers

Capell, A., The Sikayana language: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 44, pp. 163-172, 1935; vol. 45, pp. 9-16, 67-73, 1936. A Sikiyana vocabulary: vol. 45, pp. 142-153, 1936; vol. 46, pp. 24-31, 1937.

Chinnery, E. W. P., Territory of New Guinea, Anthropological Report, 1-6, Canberra, 1927, 1928, 1931.

Churchill, William, Sissano: movements of migrations within and through Melanesia: Carnegie Inst.Washington, Pub. 244, 1916.

Codrington, R. H., The Melanesians, their anthropology and folklore, Oxford, 1891.

Firth, Raymond, We, the Tikopia, London, 1936.

Firth, Raymond, Primitive Polynesian economy, London, 1939.

Firth, Raymond, The work of the gods in Tikopia, vols. 1-2: London School of Economics and Political Science, Monographs on Social Anthropology, nos. 1-2, 1940.

Friedrici, Georg, Beitrage zur Volker-und Sprachenkunde von Deutsch-Neu Guinea: Deutschen Schutzgebieten, Mitt., Erganzungsheft, no. 5, pp. 1-324, 1912.

Haddon, A. C., andHornell, James, Canoes of Oceania: vol. 2, The canoes of Melanesia, Queensland, and New Guinea: B. P. Bishop Mus. Special Pub. 28, pp. 52-79, 116-120, 122-123, 1937.

Hogbin, H. I., Notes on a grammar of the language of Ontong Java: School of Oriental Stud.London, Bull., vol. 5, pp. 823-851, 1930.

Hogbin, H. I., Transition rites at Ontong Java: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 39, pp. 94-112, 201-220, 1930.

Hogbin, H. I., Spirits and the healing of the sick in Ontong Java: Oceania, vol. 1, pp. 146-166, 1930.

Hogbin, H. I., The social organization of Ontong Java: Oceania, vol. 1, pp. 399-425, 1930-1931.

Hogbin, H. I., Law and order in Polynesia, London, 1934.

Hogbin, H. I., "Polynesian" colonies in Melanesia: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 49, pp. 199-220, 1940.

Lambert, S. M., Health survey of Rennell and Bellona Islands: Oceania, vol. 2, pp. 136-173, 1931.

Macgregor, Gordon, The gods of Rennell Island. In Studies in the anthropology of Oceania and Asia … in memory of Roland Burrage Dixon: Peabody Mus. of American Arch. and Ethnol., Papers, vol. 20, pp. 32-37, 1943.

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Parkinson, R., Zur Ethnographie de Ongtong Java- und Tasman-Inseln: Internat. Arch. f. Ethnogr., vol. 10, pp. 104-118, 137-151, 1897.

Ray, S. H., Polynesian linguistics, III, Polynesian languages of the Solomon Islands: Polynesian Soc., Jour., vol. 25, pp. 18-23, 44-52, 99-103, 1916; vol. 26, pp. 34-43, 99-105, 170-179, 1917.

Ray, S. H., Polynesian linguistics, IV, Polynesian languages of the Santa Cruz Archipelago: Polynesian Soc, Jour., vol. 28, pp. 168-177, 1919; vol. 29, pp. 76-86, 207-214, 1920; vol. 30, pp. 28-34, 103-118, 1921.

Ray, S. H., The Polynesian languages in Melanesia: Anthropos, vols. 14-15, pp. 46-96, 1919-1920.

Sarfert, Ernst, andDamm, Hans, Luangiua und Nukumanu. In Thilenius, Georg, Ergebnisse der Sudsee Expedition, 1908-10, II, Ethnographie, B. Mikronesien, vol. 12, parts 1-2, Hamburg, 1929.

Shapiro, H. L., The physical characteristics of the Ontong Javanese: American Mus. Nat. Hist., Anthrop. Papers, vol. 33, pp. 227-278, 1933.

Thilenius, Georg, Ethnographische Ergebnisse aus Melanesien, part 1, Die Polynesischen Inseln an der Ostgrenze Melanesiens, Halle, 1902.

Woodford, C. M., Notes on Leueneuwa or Lord Howe's group: Man, no. 89, 1906.

Woodford, C. M., On some little-known Polynesian settlements in the neighbourhood of the Solomon Islands: Geog. Jour., vol. 48, pp. 26-54, 1916.