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White Wings Vol I. Fifty Years Of Sail In The New Zealand Trade, 1850 TO 1900

A Record Round Voyage

A Record Round Voyage.

In 1894 the Westland, in command of Captain Kelly, made the passage from Start Point to the Solanders in 85 days. Her best day's run was 342 miles, and she made several runs of 330 and 340 miles a day. After discharging she proceeded from Dunedin to the Bluff, where she waited for six months for wool. Then without dry docking she made the voyage to London in 72 days, covering the distance from Bluff to Cape Horn in 16 days 8 hours. When she was 39 days out she crossed the Equator in the Atlantic and reported at the Lizard Lighthouse, in the English Channel, on the morning of the sixty-eighth day. Her biggest day's run was 326 miles. For nine days the Westland was becalmed in the Tropics after crossing the Equator.