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He Whakamaramatanga mo te Ture Hoko, Riihi hoki, i nga Whenua Maori, 1876.



(1.) Application of Act and prior Contracts

4.Operation of Act limited.
5.Moneys advanced by Crown in respect of Native lands affected by this Act to be a lien thereon.
6.Incompleted agreements may be referred to Native Land Court.
7.Purchase money, &c., made by Court a lien upon land to be a first charge on same when sold.

(2.) Restriction of Native Land Purchases

8.Purchase of lands, &c., prohibited in districts brought under this Act.
9.Penalty for breach of last provision.
10.Natives prohibited from dealing with their lands otherwise than as prescribed by this Act.
11.Contracts in contravention of this Act to be void.