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[Collected Rules and Regulations of the Native Land Court, in English and Māori]


Whereas by "The Native Land Court Act, 1894," it is enacted that the Chief Judge of the Court may from time to time, with the approval of the Governor in Council, make and prescribe rules of practice and procedure and forms of proceedings in the several matters in which jurisdiction is or may be conferred on the Court, and for fixing the fees to be paid under the said Act: And whereas by "The Native Land Laws Amendment, Act, 1895," it is enacted that the said last-mentioned Act shall, so far as relates to the Native Land Court and the Native Appellate Court, be read with and as part of "The Native Land Court Act, 1894": And whereas the Chief Judge of the said Court, in exercise of the power and authority aforesaid, with the approval of the Governor in Council, made and prescribed the rules and regulations, and prescribed the forms and fees, set forth in an Order of Council dated the nineteenth day of February, one thousand eight hundred and ninety-five: And whereas it is expedient to further exercise the power and authority aforesaid:

Now, therefore, I, George Boutflower Davy, Esquire, Chief Judge of the said Court, in exercise of the power and authority given to me by the hereinbefore-recited Acts, do hereby make the further rules and regulations, and prescribe the fees and forms of procedure, following, that is to say,—