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A Contribution to the Life History of Bucephalus longicornutus (Manter, 1954)

Text-fig. 1.—Bucephalus longicornutus. Morphology and anatomy of the sporocyst: Fig. A, T.S. of a sporocyst; Fig. B, whole mount of a portion of a sporocyst; Fig. C, T.S. of a brood chamber; Fig. D, portion of a T.S. through the sporocyst wall of a brood chamber; Fig. E, outline sketch of a branched portion of a sporocyst; Figs. F and G, variations in the morphology of the sporocyst. For abbreviations see p. 9

Text-fig. 1.—Bucephalus longicornutus. Morphology and anatomy of the sporocyst: Fig. A, T.S. of a sporocyst; Fig. B, whole mount of a portion of a sporocyst; Fig. C, T.S. of a brood chamber; Fig. D, portion of a T.S. through the sporocyst wall of a brood chamber; Fig. E, outline sketch of a branched portion of a sporocyst; Figs. F and G, variations in the morphology of the sporocyst. For abbreviations see p. 9.

Text-fig. 1.—Bucephalus longicornutus. Morphology and anatomy of the sporocyst: Fig. A, T.S. of a sporocyst; Fig. B, whole mount of a portion of a sporocyst; Fig. C, T.S. of a brood chamber; Fig. D, portion of a T.S. through the sporocyst wall of a brood chamber; Fig. E, outline sketch of a branched portion of a sporocyst; Figs. F and G, variations in the morphology of the sporocyst. For abbreviations see p. 9.