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The Bathyal Holothurians of the New Zealand Region

Text-fig. 7.—Benthodytes hystrix Sluiter: Fig. 1, internal anatomy of female, left ventral view; Fig. 2, internal anatomy of male, right ventral view; Fig. 3, calcareous meshwork from madreporite; Fig. 4, four armed deposits of male; Fig. 5, unusual deposit from male specimen; Fig. 6, deposits from male genital duct; Fig. 7, rods from stone canal; Fig. 8, four armed deposits of female; Fig. 9, developing genital duct deposit; Fig. 10, deposits from female genital duct. Abbreviations: an., anus;…

Text-fig. 7.—Benthodytes hystrix Sluiter: Fig. 1, internal anatomy of female, left ventral view; Fig. 2, internal anatomy of male, right ventral view; Fig. 3, calcareous meshwork from madreporite; Fig. 4, four armed deposits of male; Fig. 5, unusual deposit from male specimen; Fig. 6, deposits from male genital duct; Fig. 7, rods from stone canal; Fig. 8, four armed deposits of female; Fig. 9, developing genital duct deposit; Fig. 10, deposits from female genital duct. Abbreviations: an., anus; cl., cloaca; g.d., genital duct; gon., gonad; int., intestine; mad., madreporite; mad.d., stone canal; m.f., muscle fibres; oes., oesophagus; p.v., polian vesicle; r.l.m., radial longitudinal muscle; r.v., ring vessel.

Text-fig. 7.—Benthodytes hystrix Sluiter: Fig. 1, internal anatomy of female, left ventral view; Fig. 2, internal anatomy of male, right ventral view; Fig. 3, calcareous meshwork from madreporite; Fig. 4, four armed deposits of male; Fig. 5, unusual deposit from male specimen; Fig. 6, deposits from male genital duct; Fig. 7, rods from stone canal; Fig. 8, four armed deposits of female; Fig. 9, developing genital duct deposit; Fig. 10, deposits from female genital duct. Abbreviations: an., anus; cl., cloaca; g.d., genital duct; gon., gonad; int., intestine; mad., madreporite; mad.d., stone canal; m.f., muscle fibres; oes., oesophagus; p.v., polian vesicle; r.l.m., radial longitudinal muscle; r.v., ring vessel.