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Echinoderms from Southern New Zealand

Ctenamphiura dawbini sp. nov

Ctenamphiura dawbini sp. nov.

Ctenamphiura dawbini sp. nov.

Fig. 11.—Proximal half of arm viewed obliquely, mainly from below. Fig. 12.—Fig. 13.—Portion of arm, viewed from above at a point where the arm is downwardly flexed, exposing the arm-plates more fully than in Fig. 12. Fig. 14.—Adoral view.

Fig. 11 to upper scale; Figs. 12 and 13 to scale at left; Fig. 14 to lower scale.

Abbreviations: 1, first, or infradental, oral papilla, 2, second, or apparent, outer papilla. 3, third, or true, outer papilla, reflexed below second papilla. A, adoral plate. AM, ambu-lacral vertebra. D, upper arm-plate. G, genital cleft. GS, outer genital scale. L, lateral arm-plate. M, madreporite. N, naked adoral interradial region. O, oral shield. PL, orel plate, S, radial shield. SP, arm-spine. T, tooth. TE, tentacle-scale. V, lower arm-plate.