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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1981-82: VUWAE 26

Figure 4: Earthquake occurrence rate versus size at the summit of Erebus. The levels and slopes of the graph are similar in the 80/81 and 81/82 seasons, and show different b-values for small earthquakes and for the larger earthquakes which are usually accompanied by eruptions

Figure 4: Earthquake occurrence rate versus size at the summit of Erebus. The levels and slopes of the graph are similar in the 80/81 and 81/82 seasons, and show different b-values for small earthquakes and for the larger earthquakes which are usually accompanied by eruptions.

Figure 4: Earthquake occurrence rate versus size at the summit of Erebus. The levels and slopes of the graph are similar in the 80/81 and 81/82 seasons, and show different b-values for small earthquakes and for the larger earthquakes which are usually accompanied by eruptions.