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Victoria University Antarctic Research Expedition Science and Logistics Reports 1981-82: VUWAE 26

Table 1. Data for 3 distant earthquakes recorded on the IMESS telemetry net in December 1981. dt (P) is the observed P-time difference t(station) - t(Scott Base); Va is apparent P-velocity across the net from J-B Tables; Ve is the computed velocity within Mount Erebus

Table 1. Data for 3 distant earthquakes recorded on the IMESS telemetry net in December 1981. dt (P) is the observed P-time difference t(station) - t(Scott Base); Va is apparent P-velocity across the net from J-B Tables; Ve is the computed velocity within Mount Erebus.

Table 1. Data for 3 distant earthquakes recorded on the IMESS telemetry net in December 1981. dt (P) is the observed P-time difference t(station) - t(Scott Base); Va is apparent P-velocity across the net from J-B Tables; Ve is the computed velocity within Mount Erebus.