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The Spike [or Victoria University College Review 1954]

FURNITURE AND THE STUDENT A rare and refreshing event: A student sauntering through Scoullars, looking with interest; asking intelligent questions about furniture. Strange, isn't it, that educationalists don't encourage the students to find out things about furniture. After all, the student of today is the home-maker of tomorrow. Too much showy furniture gets sold; too much bad designing gets by because young folk don't get themselves an appreciation of furniture before they start buying it. A …

FURNITURE AND THE STUDENT A rare and refreshing event: A student sauntering through Scoullars, looking with interest; asking intelligent questions about furniture. Strange, isn't it, that educationalists don't encourage the students to find out things about furniture. After all, the student of today is the home-maker of tomorrow. Too much showy furniture gets sold; too much bad designing gets by because young folk don't get themselves an appreciation of furniture before they start buying it. A stroll through Scoullars is good training. It's not just idle chance that makes people say, "It must be good if Scoullars made it." That sort of praise springs from half a century of sound designing and good craftsmanship which are the handmaidens of quality. We're always glad to see you. SCOULLARS Makers of Scoullar-Craft Furniture S8-90 LAMBTON QUAY :: Box 319 :: WELLINGTON, C.l. Also at Hastings and Blenheim