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The Spike or Victoria College Review 1941

NATURE WARNS YOU! Uneasy-Nervy-Shivery SENSATIONS 'ASPRO' Soothes them away in a few minutes Nature generally warns you about coming illness. THEN is the time to act. "ASPRO" stops a headache and banishes pain in a few minutes. Obtainable at all Chemists and Stores. 6d, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6

NATURE WARNS YOU! Uneasy-Nervy-Shivery SENSATIONS 'ASPRO' Soothes them away in a few minutes Nature generally warns you about coming illness. THEN is the time to act. "ASPRO" stops a headache and banishes pain in a few minutes. Obtainable at all Chemists and Stores. 6d, 1/6, 2/6, 4/6