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The Spike or Victoria College Review 1936

Not a luxury but a necessity Day and night pure hot water is an ever-necessary commodity. No one who has once lived in a home with a gas hot water system would think of dispensing with it. Hot water in the kitchen means that the dishes can be washed and dried before the kettle has time to boil. In the bathroom it increases the pleasure of cleanliness and saves endless time and trouble. And the added convenience of gas water heating is to-day a very economical proposition. No home can be truly m…

Not a luxury but a necessity Day and night pure hot water is an ever-necessary commodity. No one who has once lived in a home with a gas hot water system would think of dispensing with it. Hot water in the kitchen means that the dishes can be washed and dried before the kettle has time to boil. In the bathroom it increases the pleasure of cleanliness and saves endless time and trouble. And the added convenience of gas water heating is to-day a very economical proposition. No home can be truly modern without it. WELLINGTON GAS COMPANY LIMITED 64 COURTENAY PLACE - WELLINGTON PHONE 55-100