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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 6.

BREAD BUILDS STAMINA The impulse which governs all physical and mental activity is-ENERGY. Is A Quick-Acting ENERGY Food. DELECTABLE - NOURISHING - SUSTAINING Bread Builds Bone and Brawn and Brains. NOTE.-All DENHARD BREAD is branded "DB" or encircled with a DENHARD Band. DENHARD BAKERIES LTD. - - PHONE 54-800

BREAD BUILDS STAMINA The impulse which governs all physical and mental activity is-ENERGY. Is A Quick-Acting ENERGY Food. DELECTABLE - NOURISHING - SUSTAINING Bread Builds Bone and Brawn and Brains. NOTE.-All DENHARD BREAD is branded "DB" or encircled with a DENHARD Band. DENHARD BAKERIES LTD. - - PHONE 54-800