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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1936. Volume 7. Number 1.

V.U.C. DRAMATIC CLUB FIRST PRODUCTION FOR THE YEAR 1936. NOEL COWARD'S "HAY FEVER" IN THE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM THURSDAY, 12th MARCH FRIDAY, 13th MARCH At 8 p.m. Thursday is Students' Night and will be followed by a DANCE and SUPPER in the Gymnasium. Admission: One Shilling. (Proceeds in Aid of the Building Fund.)

V.U.C. DRAMATIC CLUB FIRST PRODUCTION FOR THE YEAR 1936. NOEL COWARD'S "HAY FEVER" IN THE COLLEGE GYMNASIUM THURSDAY, 12th MARCH FRIDAY, 13th MARCH At 8 p.m. Thursday is Students' Night and will be followed by a DANCE and SUPPER in the Gymnasium. Admission: One Shilling. (Proceeds in Aid of the Building Fund.)