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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1934. Volume 5. Number 2.

Notice to Students "Gi'e y'sel a pat on the back "-runs old Scottish saying. What better time to treat yourself to a Smart Overcoat. (The "Coat" denotes the Man). What better Shop to choose your new Cardigan or Pullover, etc., etc. Your Sister or Girl Friend will like to see you SMARTLY DRESSED when you go happily forth lor an outing. Always BETTER Mercery and Clothing at the SAME PRICE. You can buy here without making too big a hole in your pocket-book. WALLACE & GIBSON, Limited 42 Mercer Stre…

Notice to Students "Gi'e y'sel a pat on the back "-runs old Scottish saying. What better time to treat yourself to a Smart Overcoat. (The "Coat" denotes the Man). What better Shop to choose your new Cardigan or Pullover, etc., etc. Your Sister or Girl Friend will like to see you SMARTLY DRESSED when you go happily forth lor an outing. Always BETTER Mercery and Clothing at the SAME PRICE. You can buy here without making too big a hole in your pocket-book. WALLACE & GIBSON, Limited 42 Mercer Street Wellington Phone 40-968.