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The Spike or Victoria University College Review 1931

"Petone" WHEN BUYING CLOTHES ASK FOR PETONE "HIGH GRADE" SUITS They embody all the improvements, with the last word in style. They are made entirely by New Zealand skill from New Zealand wool. Is there anything better? Help to keep New Zealanders off the unemployed list by buying PETONE goods. Keep your money circulating in the Country and at the same time have the best possible. All pure wool ready-to-wear clothing. Look for the Label: "Petone"

"Petone" WHEN BUYING CLOTHES ASK FOR PETONE "HIGH GRADE" SUITS They embody all the improvements, with the last word in style. They are made entirely by New Zealand skill from New Zealand wool. Is there anything better? Help to keep New Zealanders off the unemployed list by buying PETONE goods. Keep your money circulating in the Country and at the same time have the best possible. All pure wool ready-to-wear clothing. Look for the Label: "Petone"