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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 5.

Tennis ! We have already landed our new season's supply of Tennis Racquets, and claim to have the best range in Wellington. Racquets from 8/6 to £5/5/-. Come into our store and feel the "Excalibur" Racquet for yourself. It is being used by a host of top grade players this season. SOMETHING NEW. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. STEWART HARDWARE LTD. COURTENAY PLACE. Wellington's Leading Sports House

Tennis ! We have already landed our new season's supply of Tennis Racquets, and claim to have the best range in Wellington. Racquets from 8/6 to £5/5/-. Come into our store and feel the "Excalibur" Racquet for yourself. It is being used by a host of top grade players this season. SOMETHING NEW. SOMETHING WORTH WHILE. STEWART HARDWARE LTD. COURTENAY PLACE. Wellington's Leading Sports House.