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SMAD. An Organ of Student Opinion. 1931. Volume 2. Number 5.

TELEPHONES: 40-916. 40-615. W. S. WALLACE Chemist 28 WILLIS STREET, and THE GrOWER PHARMACY ... 204 LAMBTON QUAY. Prescriptions accurately dispensed. Tooth Brushes, Tooth Pastes, Toilet Requisites. Highest Quality at Lowest Prices. Finest stock of Grease Paints and Theatrical Make-up in Wellington. Parcels delivered to any part of the City

TELEPHONES: 40-916. 40-615. W. S. WALLACE Chemist 28 WILLIS STREET, and THE GrOWER PHARMACY ... 204 LAMBTON QUAY. Prescriptions accurately dispensed. Tooth Brushes, Tooth Pastes, Toilet Requisites. Highest Quality at Lowest Prices. Finest stock of Grease Paints and Theatrical Make-up in Wellington. Parcels delivered to any part of the City.