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Victoria University College. Annual Extravaganza: Pep. 1924.

Keeps Him Smiling DENHARD BREAD THE WISE MOTHER gives her little ones an abundance of BREAD—it promotes health—it stimulates energy—it builds bone and muscle. BREAD is nature's most complete ration. It is the most wholesome, most nutritious, most economical of all foods. And BREAD is just as good for big folks as it is for little folks. Encourage your entire family to eat more BREAD and less of high-priced food. By taking DENHARD BREAD into your home you ensure the health of all those who eat a…

Keeps Him Smiling DENHARD BREAD THE WISE MOTHER gives her little ones an abundance of BREAD—it promotes health—it stimulates energy—it builds bone and muscle. BREAD is nature's most complete ration. It is the most wholesome, most nutritious, most economical of all foods. And BREAD is just as good for big folks as it is for little folks. Encourage your entire family to eat more BREAD and less of high-priced food. By taking DENHARD BREAD into your home you ensure the health of all those who eat at your table. We insist on purity and Cleanliness at every stage of the baking of our Bread. Denhard Automatic Baking Co. LIMITED, 194 Adelaide Road. Telephone 24-167.