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The Spike: or, Victoria College Review, Annual Extravaganva July 1923

"Yes, the patient may have sweets provided they are" Pascall SWEETS. CHEMISTS analyse every ingredient in "Pascall's" sweets, and supervise every process of manufacture. PASCALL CONFECTIONS ARE PURE AND WHOLESOME. Try the Delicious BUTTER SPECIALTIES. "Brazils" "Almonds" "Walnuts" "Ginger" Apricots As good alike for invalids and athletes. Loved alike by children and grown-ups. In bottles or by weight. A. A. STICHBURY & CO.. New Zealand Representatives - - Wellington

"Yes, the patient may have sweets provided they are" Pascall SWEETS. CHEMISTS analyse every ingredient in "Pascall's" sweets, and supervise every process of manufacture. PASCALL CONFECTIONS ARE PURE AND WHOLESOME. Try the Delicious BUTTER SPECIALTIES. "Brazils" "Almonds" "Walnuts" "Ginger" Apricots As good alike for invalids and athletes. Loved alike by children and grown-ups. In bottles or by weight. A. A. STICHBURY & CO.. New Zealand Representatives - - Wellington