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The Spike: or, Victoria University College Review, June 1921

THE CHENEY PHONOGRAPH will play ALL makes of Records, thus placing at the disposal of its owner all the great artists who have ever made records. Through a wonderful series of ocoustic inventions the CHENEY recreates all the beauty of the original production. Every Cheney Cabinet is a faithful interpretation of one of those famous English periods when furniture masters were in their prime. Refined, distinctive but not ostentatious, they blend beautifully. into tasteful surroundings. CALL OR WRI…

THE CHENEY PHONOGRAPH will play ALL makes of Records, thus placing at the disposal of its owner all the great artists who have ever made records. Through a wonderful series of ocoustic inventions the CHENEY recreates all the beauty of the original production. Every Cheney Cabinet is a faithful interpretation of one of those famous English periods when furniture masters were in their prime. Refined, distinctive but not ostentatious, they blend beautifully. into tasteful surroundings. CALL OR WRITE FOR FURTHER PARTICULARS TO SOLE N.Z AGENTS CHAS. BEGG & CO. LTD. MANNERS STREET:: WELLINGTON