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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 87

AnAnntinft. WORDS BT BCRN'S. Is there, for ho - nest po - ver - ty, Wha hangs his head, and a' that? The cow - ard-slave, we pass him by; We daur be puir for a' that; For a' that, and a* that, Our toils ob - scure, and a* that, The lank is but the gui - nea-stamp,—The man's the gowd for a' that

AnAnntinft. WORDS BT BCRN'S. Is there, for ho - nest po - ver - ty, Wha hangs his head, and a' that? The cow - ard-slave, we pass him by; We daur be puir for a' that; For a' that, and a* that, Our toils ob - scure, and a* that, The lank is but the gui - nea-stamp,—The man's the gowd for a' that.