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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 85

ARTICLES. Animals and Birds. Bull.....................................No COW.....................................No Dogs....................................No Horses and mules....................No Mongoose..............................No Parrots......................No Pig......................................No Pony.....................................No Bags returned.............No Boats...............................No QUANTITY. 1 1 3 22 217 8 6 1 30,000 2 VALUE. $ 250 00 250 00 45 00 3,200…

ARTICLES. Animals and Birds. Bull.....................................No COW.....................................No Dogs....................................No Horses and mules....................No Mongoose..............................No Parrots......................No Pig......................................No Pony.....................................No Bags returned.............No Boats...............................No QUANTITY. 1 1 3 22 217 8 6 1 30,000 2 VALUE. $ 250 00 250 00 45 00 3,200 00 2,000 00 4 00 90 00 178 00 1,128 00 962 99