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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 82

FLOCKTON'S Exhibition. MANNERS ST. Ho ! Visitors to Wellington of high and low degree Who've come the Empire City's Exhibition groat to see, Who've braved the risks and dangers of the swiftly-rolling tide, And hastened to the "wind's abode" from near and far and wide, Don't leave the spot! Respectfully H. FLOCKTON you implores, Until you've seen the wonders of his famed VARIETY STORES. During the period the Exhibition is open all respectably dressed people will be admitted FREE; but all babies,…

FLOCKTON'S Exhibition. MANNERS ST. Ho ! Visitors to Wellington of high and low degree Who've come the Empire City's Exhibition groat to see, Who've braved the risks and dangers of the swiftly-rolling tide, And hastened to the "wind's abode" from near and far and wide, Don't leave the spot! Respectfully H. FLOCKTON you implores, Until you've seen the wonders of his famed VARIETY STORES. During the period the Exhibition is open all respectably dressed people will be admitted FREE; but all babies, dogs, umbrellas, and walking-sticks must be left in the anteroom. By order of the Proprietor H. Flockton, THE VAEIETY MAN, MANNERS STREET, WELLINGTON. NOTE.-All Goods on Exhibition here are for Sale.