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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 82

Extracts from Press Opinions. South Canterbury Times. Mr. Nelson is an experienced Tea Taster, and his efforts should enable Tea drinkers to obtain what they have had some difficulty in securing—a cup of Full-flavoured, Pure, and Whole-some Tea. Lyttelton Times (Special Reporter Messrs. Nelson, Moate & Co. have in their possession a wonderful Instructive little Museum of Teas, evidently the out-come of careful, patient, collection. NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 1882. Extracts-Continued.…

Extracts from Press Opinions. South Canterbury Times. Mr. Nelson is an experienced Tea Taster, and his efforts should enable Tea drinkers to obtain what they have had some difficulty in securing—a cup of Full-flavoured, Pure, and Whole-some Tea. Lyttelton Times (Special Reporter Messrs. Nelson, Moate & Co. have in their possession a wonderful Instructive little Museum of Teas, evidently the out-come of careful, patient, collection. NEW ZEALAND INTERNATIONAL EXHIBITION. 1882. Extracts-Continued. The blending is entirely attended to by Mr. Nelson himself, who is a Taster of great experience, and has had a special training in the art. Timaru Herald The Firm deserve the support of all purchasers of Tea, as the article they offer is superior to anything we have yet seen in this colony. Press. Mr. Nelson is a professional Taster and Blender. NELSON MOATE & Co. TEA MERCHANTS PRIZE MEDAL awarded to NELSON MOATE and Co., Christchurch. REGISTERED TRADE MARK. OWING to the great success which has attended the sale of our justly celebrated Pure Blended Teas, may Firms are now styling themselves Tea Blenders, &c.; in fact, throughout the Colonies the title of our Teas is being continually copied. As we are the Original Introducers of Pure Blended Teas and the only holders of an assorted stock of recognized Teas for Blending (from Northern and Southern China, India, and Ceylon), we have the right to say ours are the only Properly Natural Flavoured Pure Blended Teas m the Colonies. Our Mr. Nelson is a professional Taster and Blender, and a pupil of the leading Tea Experts and Blenders in England. We have confidence, therefore, in saying our Teas are blended on the most scientific principle, and the most successful blends ever introduced in to the Colonies. Our Blends are sold by almost every respectable Grocer and Storekeeper in New Zealand and Tasmania. When buying, ask for NELSON, MOATE & Co.'s Pure Blended Teas, and see that you get them. The Packets are distinctly Marked with Name and Price, and a Gold Medal Medallion on each end, without which none are Genuine. They are acknowledged by Experts, the Press, and the Public, the Finest and Best Values in the Southern Hemisphere, and to lovers of a Natural-flavoured Pare article, a thing to be PRICES: 2s.; 2s. 4d.; 2s. 8d.; 3s.; 3s. 4d.: 4s. Press Opinions. Star. By invitation of Messrs. Nelson, Moate and Co., we attended a tasting of choice specimens of India, Chinese, Ceylon, and Fiji Teas. Messrs. Nelson, Moate and Co. deserve all praise for their pluck and energy in bringing forward such a choice assortment of Teas, and giving the Colony an opportunity of drinking and enjoying such choice liquor from the 'cup that cheers but not inebriates' AUCKLAND WELLINGTON Analysis. The Analysis shows that the whole of these Teas are of good quality and quite free from Adulteration. The extremely small amount of insoluble ash also indicates great care and cleanliness in the collection. A. W, BICKERTON, Colonial A alyst. CHRISTCHURCH DUNEDIN PURE BLENDED TEAS AGENTS EVERYWHERE