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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 80a

The Dook, who is said to be the best shot of the Royal 'Family, was taken out over the Karori hills by the shootists of Wellington. Unluckily, in an exciting chase after a cock bird, the Dook's foot caught in the undergrowth just as Charlie got in the way. — N.B.—Though by no means dangerously hit, it is rumoured a little bill will be forthcoming for compensation for the same

The Dook, who is said to be the best shot of the Royal 'Family, was taken out over the Karori hills by the shootists of Wellington. Unluckily, in an exciting chase after a cock bird, the Dook's foot caught in the undergrowth just as Charlie got in the way.

The Dook, who is said to be the best shot of the Royal 'Family, was taken out over the Karori hills by the shootists of Wellington. Unluckily, in an exciting chase after a cock bird, the Dook's foot caught in the undergrowth just as Charlie got in the way.

N.B.—Though by no means dangerously hit, it is rumoured a little bill will be forthcoming for compensation for the same.