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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 78

NORTHERN Steam Ship Co. Ltd. AUCKLAND. Holiday Crips in the Far North. The S.S. CLANSMAN leaves Auckland for the RAY OF ISLANDS, WHANGAROA, and MANGONUI every Monday evening, returning back on Friday morning. A Delightful Trip amid the most beautiful coastal scenery-Whangaroa Harbour is considered one of the finest in the Colony. The Steamer carries an oil-launch for the convenience of Tourists. The Cost is LOW, and the Accommodation and Service the VERY BEST. Grand Summer Pleasure Cruise. The …

NORTHERN Steam Ship Co. Ltd. AUCKLAND. Holiday Crips in the Far North. The S.S. CLANSMAN leaves Auckland for the RAY OF ISLANDS, WHANGAROA, and MANGONUI every Monday evening, returning back on Friday morning. A Delightful Trip amid the most beautiful coastal scenery-Whangaroa Harbour is considered one of the finest in the Colony. The Steamer carries an oil-launch for the convenience of Tourists. The Cost is LOW, and the Accommodation and Service the VERY BEST. Grand Summer Pleasure Cruise. The COMPANY have initiated an ANNUAL PLEASURE CRUISE in the month of February along the Northern Coast calling at ALL the most beautiful Islands and Harbours, and extending over EIGHT Days. The S.S, NGAPUHI is selected for this interesting trip, and is well adapted in every way for the service. FARE: From £7 to £10, according to the berth selected. List opens November 1st. Write for descriptive Leaflet. Onehunga = New Plymouth Service. The S.S. RARAWA leaves ONEHUNGA for NEW PLYMOUTH every Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday, returning on alternate days. The Accommodation for Passengers is of the Highest Class. CHARLES RANSON, Manager.