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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 75

ADVERTISEMENTS. Bank of New South Wales. ESTABLISHED 1817. Incorporated by Act of Council as a Bank of Issue, Discount, Deposit, & Exchange Authorised Capital, - - £3,000,000 Paid-up Capital, (as on 30th September, 1896) £1,946,940 Reserve Fund, (as on 31st March, 1896) £1,183,57 2s. DIRECTORS : JAMES RICHARD HILL, Esq.. President. HON. C. K. MACKELLAR, M.L.C. J. R. FAIRFAX, Esq. ROBERT CAMPBELL CLOSE, Esq. JAMES THOMAS WALKER, Esq. CHAS. SMITH, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER: J. RUSSELL FRENCH. INSPECTO…

ADVERTISEMENTS. Bank of New South Wales. ESTABLISHED 1817. Incorporated by Act of Council as a Bank of Issue, Discount, Deposit, & Exchange Authorised Capital, - - £3,000,000 Paid-up Capital, (as on 30th September, 1896) £1,946,940 Reserve Fund, (as on 31st March, 1896) £1,183,57 2s. DIRECTORS : JAMES RICHARD HILL, Esq.. President. HON. C. K. MACKELLAR, M.L.C. J. R. FAIRFAX, Esq. ROBERT CAMPBELL CLOSE, Esq. JAMES THOMAS WALKER, Esq. CHAS. SMITH, Esq. GENERAL MANAGER: J. RUSSELL FRENCH. INSPECTORS : W. G. RHIND; E. J. FINCH. Head Office = = Sydney, THOMAS HUNT IVEY, MANAGER. LONDON BRANCH - - OLD BROAD STREET DIRECTORS : SIR DANIEL COOPER, Bart. R. LUCAS TOOTH, Esq. HENRY B. POWELL, Esq. MANAGER : DAVID GEORGE. BANKERS: THE BANK OF ENGLAND; THE LONDON JOINT STOCK BANK (LIMITED) Branches in New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia; and Agencies throughout the World. NEW ZEALAND BRANCHES: WELLINGTON Christchurch Hawera Napier Patea Amberley Dunedin Hastings Naseby St, Bathay Ashburton Dannevirke Hokitika Nelson Thames Auckland Geraldine lnvercargill New Plymouth Timaru Blenhiem Gisborne Lawrence Oamaru Wangarul Bulls Greymouth Masterton Ophir Westport Inspector's Office at Wellington, W. G. RHIND, Inspector.