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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 72

HÔTEL MÉTROPOLE THIS MAGNIFICENT HOTEL, situated in NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, IS arranged and furnished to afford Residents every convenience and comfort. In addition to a large number of Single and Double Bedrooms, and Bedrooms with Bath Room and Lavatory attached, there are elegant Suites of Private Apartments. The position is Central, the arrangements are complete, the Public Rooms magnificent, and the Charges Moderate. The general organisation enables the proprietors to provi…

HÔTEL MÉTROPOLE THIS MAGNIFICENT HOTEL, situated in NORTHUMBERLAND AVENUE, TRAFALGAR SQUARE, IS arranged and furnished to afford Residents every convenience and comfort. In addition to a large number of Single and Double Bedrooms, and Bedrooms with Bath Room and Lavatory attached, there are elegant Suites of Private Apartments. The position is Central, the arrangements are complete, the Public Rooms magnificent, and the Charges Moderate. The general organisation enables the proprietors to provide the highest class Banquets, Dinners, and Wedding Breakfasts, for which some of the most luxurious Suites of Rooms in Europe are available. THE GORDON HOTELS ARE: Grand Hotel, London; Hotel Métropole, and Whitehall Rooms, London; First Avenue Hotel, London; Hotel Métropole, and Clarence Rooms. Brighton; Burlington Hôtel, Eastbourne; Royal Pier Hôtel, Ryde, Isle of Wight; Cliftonville Hôtel, Margate; Hôtel Métropole, Monte Carlo; Hôtel Métropole, Cannes.