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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 65

VICTORIA HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1857.] WANGANUI. ADJOINT BANK N. Z. PETER BELL, Linen and Woollen Draper importer direct. SILK MERCER, HOSIER, and HABERDASHER. FAMILY MOURNING. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. Liberal discount for cash, and careful attention given to country orders. The Oldest Established, Best, and Cheapest House on the Coast. VICTORIA HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 1857.] WANGANUI. ADJOINT BANK N. Z. PETER BELL, Tailor, Tlothier, and Habit-maker. importer direct. SHIRT-MAKER, HATTER,…

VICTORIA HOUSE. ESTABLISHED 1857.] WANGANUI. ADJOINT BANK N. Z. PETER BELL, Linen and Woollen Draper importer direct. SILK MERCER, HOSIER, and HABERDASHER. FAMILY MOURNING. MILLINERY AND DRESSMAKING ESTABLISHMENT. Liberal discount for cash, and careful attention given to country orders. The Oldest Established, Best, and Cheapest House on the Coast. VICTORIA HOUSE, ESTABLISHED 1857.] WANGANUI. ADJOINT BANK N. Z. PETER BELL, Tailor, Tlothier, and Habit-maker. importer direct. SHIRT-MAKER, HATTER, and MEN'S MERCER. Mr. A. OLIVER, Cutler. MONTHLY SUPPLIES OF SCOTCH AND COLONIAL TWEEDS. Liberal discount for cash, and careful attention given to country order. Famed for Style, Fit, and Reasonable Charges.