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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 65

CABINEY AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE VICTORIA AVENUE, WANGANUI. JOHN ANDERSON, English, American, and Colonial Furniture. Plans and Estimates Furnished. General Valuations taken. Ladies' Needlework Mounted. Mattresses, Paliasses, Pillows, Bolsters, Damasks, Blind Holland, Floor Cloths, Carpets, Door Mats, Hearth Bugs, Felt Squares, Tablings, Ottoman Sets, Ourtain Loops, Iron Bedsteads, Music Stools, Looking Glasses, Perambulators, Gilt Mouldings. Pictures Framed. Venetian Blinds, Curtains, Blinds, …

CABINEY AND UPHOLSTERY WAREHOUSE VICTORIA AVENUE, WANGANUI. JOHN ANDERSON, English, American, and Colonial Furniture. Plans and Estimates Furnished. General Valuations taken. Ladies' Needlework Mounted. Mattresses, Paliasses, Pillows, Bolsters, Damasks, Blind Holland, Floor Cloths, Carpets, Door Mats, Hearth Bugs, Felt Squares, Tablings, Ottoman Sets, Ourtain Loops, Iron Bedsteads, Music Stools, Looking Glasses, Perambulators, Gilt Mouldings. Pictures Framed. Venetian Blinds, Curtains, Blinds, &c., made up. Funerals Furnished. Tombstones Supplied.