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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 64

STONE BROTHERS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, SHIPPING & COMMISSION AGENTS, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Ships or Goods consigned to their care will meet with every attention. New Zealand and South Sea Island Produce Purchased; and Goods of every description Indented on the most favourable terms. Agents for the Sale of KAURI TIMBER—Balk, Sawn and Dressed TASMANIAN PRODUCE of every description NEWCASTLE COALS GREYMOUTH COALS ADELAIDE FLOUR (Harrison & Duffield's) SOUTHERN FLOUR (Anderson & Co.'s an…

STONE BROTHERS, GENERAL MERCHANTS, SHIPPING & COMMISSION AGENTS, QUEEN STREET, AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Ships or Goods consigned to their care will meet with every attention. New Zealand and South Sea Island Produce Purchased; and Goods of every description Indented on the most favourable terms. Agents for the Sale of KAURI TIMBER—Balk, Sawn and Dressed TASMANIAN PRODUCE of every description NEWCASTLE COALS GREYMOUTH COALS ADELAIDE FLOUR (Harrison & Duffield's) SOUTHERN FLOUR (Anderson & Co.'s and Wood's) BYCROFT & Co.'s (City Mills) FLOUR & BISCUITS OATS, MAIZE, and all kinds of Grain