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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 64

Freeman's Bay Soap Works. SAUNDERS & GILBERD, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, VICTORIA STREET, AUCKLAND. S. & G. Having enlarged their Factory to double its former size, and made costly additions to the plant, are now in a position to compete with any Factories in New Zealand or New South Wales. The yearly increase of their trade, which has rendered the extensive alterations unavoidable, is the best guarantee of the superior character of their goods. A TRIAL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. BLUE MOTTL…

Freeman's Bay Soap Works. SAUNDERS & GILBERD, SOAP AND CANDLE MANUFACTURERS, VICTORIA STREET, AUCKLAND. S. & G. Having enlarged their Factory to double its former size, and made costly additions to the plant, are now in a position to compete with any Factories in New Zealand or New South Wales. The yearly increase of their trade, which has rendered the extensive alterations unavoidable, is the best guarantee of the superior character of their goods. A TRIAL IS RESPECTFULLY SOLICITED. BLUE MOTTLED First Prize, BLUE MOTTLED Anchor Brand, BLUE MOTTLED Eagle Brand, FIRST PRIZE YELLOW, PALE YELLOW, STAR BRAND, ECONOMIC, DOUBLE CROWN, HOUSEHOLD, PRIMROSE, CURD, MARINE, SOFT SOAP, MOULD CANDLES.