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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 64

I.O.R., S.U. ESTABLISHED 1835. RECHABITISM. TO TOTAL ABSTAINERS AND THE PUBLIC. HOPE OF AUCKLAND TENT (BRANCH OF THE ABOVE), Meets on First and Third Thursday in each month, in St. James' Hall, Wellington Street, at 7.30 p.m., and directs the attention of those interested to their Scale of Charges for Entrance Fees and Benefits as follows:— ENTRANCE FEES, from 2s. 6d. to 15s. CONTRIBUTIONS, from 11d. per week. BENEFITS. Medical Attendance and Medicine for self, wife, and family. 21s. per week d…

I.O.R., S.U. ESTABLISHED 1835. RECHABITISM. TO TOTAL ABSTAINERS AND THE PUBLIC. HOPE OF AUCKLAND TENT (BRANCH OF THE ABOVE), Meets on First and Third Thursday in each month, in St. James' Hall, Wellington Street, at 7.30 p.m., and directs the attention of those interested to their Scale of Charges for Entrance Fees and Benefits as follows:— ENTRANCE FEES, from 2s. 6d. to 15s. CONTRIBUTIONS, from 11d. per week. BENEFITS. Medical Attendance and Medicine for self, wife, and family. 21s. per week during Sickness; £21 at death. £10 10s. at death of Member's wife. Further particulars from P. Crowe, Hobson Street; R. H. Hughes, Wellington Street; J. W. Carr & Sons, and H. G. DORRINGTON, SEC., Pitt Street.