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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 63

HEMP (undressed) Imported into the United Kingdom, from the Year 1831 to 1840, inclusive. YEARS. WHENCE IMPORTED. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. Russia........................................................ 506,803 492,354 469,959 583,840 610,519 556,458 591,675 581,000 781,012 598,840 Prussia........................................................ 1,417 1,974 3,776 3,741 1,691 608 33 619 5,033 1,634 Italy…

HEMP (undressed) Imported into the United Kingdom, from the Year 1831 to 1840, inclusive. YEARS. WHENCE IMPORTED. 1831. 1832. 1833. 1834. 1835. 1836. 1837. 1838. 1839. 1840. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. cwts. Russia........................................................ 506,803 492,354 469,959 583,840 610,519 556,458 591,675 581,000 781,012 598,840 Prussia........................................................ 1,417 1,974 3,776 3,741 1,691 608 33 619 5,033 1,634 Italy, &c........................................................ 7,405 32,948 16,378 30,921 18,926 4,784 3,126 4,950 14,691 6,622 Holland........................................................ 249 .... .... .... 492 248 508 316 285 909 Belgium........................................................ .... 71 1,036 157 95 3,373 3,560 419 Germany........................................................ .... 84 23 141 609 123 3 .... 737 .... France........................................................ 10 .... 4 .... 37 31 15 7,306 19,546 39 Denmark........................................................ 9 .... 513 .... .... 2,128 .... 200 346 257 Sweden........................................................ .... .... 1,335 .... .... .... 100 .... .... .... Spain and Portugal........................................................ .... 3 .... .... .... 148 .... 977 .... 1,955 Malta........................................................ .... 99 .... .... .... .... .... .... .... .... Egypt and Turkey........................................................ .... .... 36 .... 8 4 .... .... 36 30 Africa........................................................ 2 25 78 42 85 .... .... .... .... .... St. Helena and Mauritius.......................................... .... .... .... 154 163 .... .... .... .... 144 East India Company's Territories and Ceylon 9,472 55,389 34,008 52,035 40,854 18,380 168,386 107,994 138,301 55,583 China........................................................ .... .... .... .... .... .... 19 .... .... 2,202 Islands in the Indian Seas, and Philippine Islands.................... 2,262 9,550 99 2,821 9,554 2,677 1,847 23,411 28.832 15,431 South America........................................................ 67 30 .... 39 327 286 .... 45 2 .... United States........................................................ 2,248 24 1,241 .... 3,157 .... 5,347 110 2,226 .... Mexico........................................................ .... .... .... 97 .... .... .... .... .... British West Indies and Hayti........................................................ 11 .... 1 .... .... .... 1 .... .... 3 British Settlements in Australia...................................... .... 740 .... .... .... .... .... 6 .... Channel Islands........................................................ 858 338 .... .... 4 .... 2,466 75 1,080 .... Totals........................................ 530,813 593,558 527,451 673,805 687,559 586,032 773,621 730,376 995,693 684,068 Retained for Home Consumption............................... 504,308 708,646 512,623 666,096 643,122 567,892 651,613 733,378 908,735 711,397