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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 62

CASTLE LINE Weekly Service from London For the Gold Fields of South Africa. LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAMBURG, FLUSHING, LISBON, MADEIRA, GRAND CANARY, CAPE COLONY, NATAL, DELAGOA BAY, MOZAMBIQUE COAST, MADAGASCAR, AND MAURITIUS. BRITISH AND DUTCH ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. the royal mail steamers of The Castle Mail Packets Company, Limited, Leave London every alternate Thursday, and sail from Southampton on the following Saturday, with Mails, Passengers, and Cargo, for Cape Colony and Natal, calling at Ma…

CASTLE LINE Weekly Service from London For the Gold Fields of South Africa. LONDON, SOUTHAMPTON, HAMBURG, FLUSHING, LISBON, MADEIRA, GRAND CANARY, CAPE COLONY, NATAL, DELAGOA BAY, MOZAMBIQUE COAST, MADAGASCAR, AND MAURITIUS. BRITISH AND DUTCH ROYAL MAIL SERVICE. the royal mail steamers of The Castle Mail Packets Company, Limited, Leave London every alternate Thursday, and sail from Southampton on the following Saturday, with Mails, Passengers, and Cargo, for Cape Colony and Natal, calling at Madeira. Intermediate Steamers are despatched every 14 days from London, calling at Flushing, and proceeding thence direct to the Cape Colony, Natal, Delagoa Bay, &c. (viâ Lisbon and Grand Canary), thus forming a weekly service from London, and providing direct communication between the Continent and South Africa. These Steamers call at St. Helena every eight weeks. Passengers and Cargo are taken every four weeks for Madagascar and Mauritius, and every six weeks for Inhambane, Beira (Pungwe River), Chindé, Quilimane, and Mozambique. Return Tickets issued for ALL PORTS. Handbooks of Information for Passengers gratis on application. Loading Berth.—East India Dock Basin, Blackwall, E. Free Railway Tickets are granted from London to Southampton to outward, and from Plymouth to London to homeward Passengers by Royal Mail Steamers. Experienced Surgeons and Stewardesses on every Steamer. Superior accommodation. Excellent Cuisine. DONALD CURRIE &e Co., LONDON—3 & 4, Fenchurch Street, E.C.; MANCHESTER—15, Cross Street; LIVERPOOL-25, Castle Street; GLASGOW—40, Enoch Square,