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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 61

THE OAMARU WOOLLEN FACTORY Co., LIMITED, OAMARU. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL wool coatings, suitings, and tweeds. For Superiority of Quality, Durability of Wear, and Beauty of Design and Finish, cannot be Surpassed. The trade can be supplied with the Company's Goods through any of the principal Wholesale Houses in dunedin, christchurch, wellington, nelson, napier, auckland

THE OAMARU WOOLLEN FACTORY Co., LIMITED, OAMARU. MANUFACTURERS OF ALL wool coatings, suitings, and tweeds. For Superiority of Quality, Durability of Wear, and Beauty of Design and Finish, cannot be Surpassed. The trade can be supplied with the Company's Goods through any of the principal Wholesale Houses in dunedin, christchurch, wellington, nelson, napier, auckland.