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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 61

Extracts from Press Opinions. South Canterbury Times. Mr. Nelson is an experienced Tea Taster, and his efforts should enable Tea drinkers to obtain what . they have had some difficulty in securing— a cup of Full-flavoured, Pure, and Wholesome Tea. Lyttelton Times (Special Reporter Messrs. Nelson, Moate & Co. have in their possession a wonderful instructive little Museum of Teas, evidently the outcome of careful, patient, collection

Extracts from Press Opinions. South Canterbury Times. Mr. Nelson is an experienced Tea Taster, and his efforts should enable Tea drinkers to obtain what . they have had some difficulty in securing— a cup of Full-flavoured, Pure, and Wholesome Tea. Lyttelton Times (Special Reporter Messrs. Nelson, Moate & Co. have in their possession a wonderful instructive little Museum of Teas, evidently the outcome of careful, patient, collection.