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The Pamphlet Collection of Sir Robert Stout: Volume 61

The Improved WHITE HAS NEVER BEEN EXCELLED. It Possesses more Genuine and Useful Improvements than any other Machine made. Simple Durable Noiseless Light Running Complete Cheap. The New American No. 7 Sewing Machine always gives satisfaction, and has Splendid Set of Attachments. NOTE THE PRICES:— Whites—Hand, £3 15s.; Plain Treadle, £6 15s.; with cover and 5 drawers as above, £8; Ditto, 7 drawers, extra plated and ornamented, £9; Full Cabinet, £10 10s. American, no. 7— Hand, £3 15s.; Treadle, £…

The Improved WHITE HAS NEVER BEEN EXCELLED. It Possesses more Genuine and Useful Improvements than any other Machine made. Simple Durable Noiseless Light Running Complete Cheap. The New American No. 7 Sewing Machine always gives satisfaction, and has Splendid Set of Attachments. NOTE THE PRICES:— Whites—Hand, £3 15s.; Plain Treadle, £6 15s.; with cover and 5 drawers as above, £8; Ditto, 7 drawers, extra plated and ornamented, £9; Full Cabinet, £10 10s. American, no. 7— Hand, £3 15s.; Treadle, £6 17s. 6d.; with cover, £7 7s.; Ditto, leaf and 5 drawers, as shown above, £8 8s. Needles and Extras for all Machines in stock. THEE TEYPOGRAPH (Recommended by the "London Times ") Is the simplest and most perfect copying process now in use. Thousands of copies, all equally good, from one writing, and any office boy can use it. Samples of work and all particulars may be obtained from F. J. W. FEAR, ENGINEER, Importer of Sewing Machines, &c., and Sole Agent for Trypograph, WILLIS ST., WELLINGTON, N.Z.